Professional & Personal Coach
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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

A self-described perfectionist gets clear on her needs and way forward

Megan Pennington is a Naturotherapist, Certified MRT/LEAP Practitioner, and Transformational Coach. She has many certifications, but what it all means is that she brings together both traditional and holistic healing modalities to completely transform the way you experience health.
Find out more about Megan and her holistic health counselling practice:
Megan Pennington began coaching so she could sort out things that were overwhelming her.

A registered dietician, Megan was planning to set up a clinic for holistic health counseling, the kind of place where clients could bring in other issues that played a role in their overall nutritional health. Her plans included setting up an office, launching some marketing, establishing a French presence, and acquiring 10-20 clients. The whole plan felt gargantuan. How was she going to get all this set up the way she wanted it? How would she serve all of those new clients? For the self-described perfectionist, her recent efforts were not meeting her ultimate expectations, as her vision for the clinic was not being realized. Her plan needed to be slimmed down, so to speak.

Through her coaching sessions, Megan developed a clear overview of her actual needs. She didn’t need to have that full clinic set up right away and so many things ready all at once. She could simply start with one client. And work on some other aspects of the clinic further down the road. The dreams for her nutrition clinic would still be nurtured. She would just be taking smaller bites.

Rewards of Completing Commitments

An award-winning photographer and filmmaker shares her story.
Relationships with Vision

Relationships with Vision

A garden designer gets his business, relationships, and himself back on track.

Testimonials from My Clients

I highly recommend Robert as a Life Coach. He provided value in his ability to assess situations quickly and offer tools to achieve greater balance in my life. He made it clear for me to choose a course of action to gain positive change in my daily life. Robert is reliable, friendly, professional and a great listener. Working with Robert was a wonderful experience.

Noémie Dupuy
Co-Founder & Member Board of Directors, Budge Studios
Robert is an absolute delight and wonderful coach to work with, he is extremely professional and insightful. He helped me overcome many hurdles and see things in a new light. He is very positive, patient and resourceful. He brought plenty of humor into our sessions, I am forever indebted by his kindness. Please do not hesitate to engage him as your coach. I highly recommend him.

Sophiya Varghese
Senior Manager, Data & Analytics,
During a big transition time in my life, I started working with Robert to gain clarity and perspective to help me make some important decisions. He was instrumental in helping me structure my thoughts and ideas, refine my identity and move forward on my journey with certainty. Robert has an incredible ability to get to the source of a situation or dilemma, and has a knack for helping people exploit their own creativity and approach to solutions!

Justin Svatina
Co-Founder & Creative Director, DOMREBEL
After a difficult period with my business and personal life, Robert was extremely helpful in guiding me to find joy in my work and peace with myself. He opened my eyes about a lot of ways to lead and to trust. When I think back on how I felt when I first walked in compared to one year later, I am impressed at how much change a person can go through when they are being guided by the right person.

Patricia Godley
Sustainable Living Activist & Founder - La Fondation Godley
Robert is a great life coach. I contacted him when I wanted to transition professionally. He was present to walk me through my options, provide guidance, and support my decisions. He is a very good listener and actively engages to give you just that other perspective or option, share real-life examples, and make you feel your dreams can come true. I came out of each session optimistic and energized - I felt grounded but reached for the stars.

Cecilia Thompson
Senior Human Rights Consultant

What Does Exit Planning Involve?